Thursday 29 June 2017

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is a 2010 comedy film co-written, produced and directed by Edgar Wright in which Scott's infatuation with Ramona thus Scott must defeat his new girlfriend Ramona's seven evil exes in order to win her heart. This film was based on the graphic novel series Scott Pilgrim by Bryan Lee O'Malley. This is a funny, inventive film by consist of the feature of superheroes as Ramona’s seven evil exes and Scott with different powers to win the battle. Otherwise, visual effect with the video game-style or concept that applies to this film completely caught the audience’s attention into the movie, especially for the video games lovers. However, I not really enjoy it even though it’s unique and is using a creative way to present the overall love story but for me, this film is a little bit preposterous and weird. In my opinion, I think not everyone can accept the style of this film. 

Although it’s not my cup of tea but this film still consists of some scenes that I really enjoy it, which is Scott has another dream where he sees Ramona skating by and he follows her to his own door. He wakes up and rushes to the front door and opens it before she rings the bell. This scene is absolutely creative and unexpected scene after his finished pee and opens the washroom’s door and suddenly the screen change to school instead of band practice room. When I was watching this scene I did felt no idea what was going about. After Scott woke up I just noticed he was dreaming. I like the scene because its compound two places together as a picture below, which is real life (washroom) and dream (school), instead of showing he is going to sleep and dream like that.

After Scott defeat Lucas Lee, Ramona left during the fight without saying bye to Scott. Scott tries to call her the next day but she won't answer. Wallace is rooting for Scott and Ramona relationship when Scott felt sad, he also reminds Scott the meaning about the “xxxxxxx” seven x that Ramona gave with phone’s number is seven evil exes boyfriend. Then, Knives came and Scott is intended to avoid Knives by breaking the mirror of the window. The screen that I like the most is when in an alleyway after Wallace told him the meaning of seven x and Knives came to find him, because the background and setting of the scene bring out the feeling of Scott tried to run away for Ramona’s seven exes boyfriend and its emphasize the fear and helpless of Scott had by showing the screen of the Scott tear off the x symbol on his clothes. 

Additional, I really love the scene of after Todd punches Knives. Scott pounces, ready to fight, but Todd has psychic powers and stops him mid-air because its visual effect is totally bringing a comic book to real life, I think that this movie will be boring without those visual effects, editing, and sound effects.

The costumes and make-ups of all character wear will help the audiences to understand what kind of personality and power they have. A good example like Scott, Scott always wears a T-shirt with jeans to show that he is just a normal guy with not much power. By contrast, Ramona’s evil exes boyfriend reaction, wearing and make up all looks over style and evil. Even if Scott not much power as Ramona’s exes boyfriend but Scott is a smart guy, he always got a good head on his shoulders to win all the battle.

In conclusion, this film will definitely win the heart of those video games lovers and it is a creative way to describe a love story but not my type but if you really like video games maybe you will like it. 

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Super 8

Super 8 is a 2011 science fiction film written and directed by J. J. Abrams and produced by Steven Spielberg. This film is about a group of youngsters around 12 to 14 years old are making a zombie movie with a Super-8 camera. In the middle of filming, they witness a horrifying train crack with track and are lucky to escape with their lives at the train station on midnight. They soon discover that the catastrophe was no accident, as a series of unexplained events and disappearances soon follows, they try to figure out the incident and finish up the film to enroll in an upcoming film festival.

The movie beginin 1979,main character Joe Land who lost his mother in a steel mill accident and Joe Land’s father Jackson Land blames Alice's father Louis Dainard because of he was drinking the morning of the factory accident, which led to Joe's mother taking his shift and her untimely death. This cause Joe Land and Jackson Land very hard to get out from the grief of the demised of the mother or wife even though this is passing a few month ago. Jackson Land a deputy in the local sheriff's officekeep working to get through the dead of his lover. However, Joe Land pretended that he was already overcome it and joins his best friend Charles film and as the make-up artist, actor and crew to help Charles finish his film. Even though, Jackson Lamb wants his son to attend a baseball camp for the summer. The rest of their crew are Cary, Preston and Martin. Alice Dainard also be a part of actor of the film too, this is curse by Charles last-minute rewrite the script, one of the reason Charles change it last minute because he is interest to Alice.

Charles has a scene of scene at a train station at midnight. So, Alice drives them to Lilian Train Station. When rehearsal, They hear the sound of an approaching train. Charles demands they start filming again as soon as possible to increase the production value. While filming, Joe Land witnesses a drive on to the train tracks and crash with the train, this causing a massive explosion that destroy the train. They ran for cover, and luckily no one die in the incident. They found a lot of strange white cube that all come from the destroyed train. Joe Land takes one. Inside wreckage of the truck, they find a body of one of their biologic teacher, Dr Woodward. Alice removes a map from the doctor’s hand. Doctor awake and threatens them that they are not going to tell anyone what they saw and else they and they family will be kill.

After they get back and They continues the filming to finish up the film while they figure out this is not an accident because Doctor Woodward have a map, they start to discuss maybe have something that want to destroy or some reasons. After the incident, A lot of unusual thing happen at the city such as car’s engine or winch missing, generator and microwaves are missing and phone not working, people are missing, country without power, dog disappear like try to ran away include Joe’s dog.

Jackson Land is one of the staff to handle the case. He feel that the Air Forces try to cover something serious. At the same time, He discover his son stick with Louis Dainard’s daughter Alice and he get angry with Joe and warm him get away with her. Air Force set the fire disaster to empty the town for catch the alien. After get back the film from shop, Charles and Joe discover an astonish staff from the film, which is that train’s incident is not accident, this is make from Alien. Otherwise, Alice being caught by Alien, Alice’s father saw that but nobody believe on him. Joe and the group of film except Preston decide to rescue Alice. Bribing the town’s camera-store owner to helping them, they go to the school and find out more information about the Alien and how to possibly defeat it. Though the resources that they find out the Alien not meant to hurt anyone, it just want to get back to home. However, General Nelec was more intent on keeping the creature for Army purpose.

They find by Nelec and grab and put on the bus. When they head back to the base, they attack by the Alien. Joe and his friend manage to escape while the Alien attacks the other Military Officers. They get back to the town. Meanwhile, Jackson takes Louis Dainard along to get back to the town after his heard the plans of his son from Preston. On the way to the town, Louis explains that he came to his house after the funeral to apologize. Jackson forgives him and say ”It’s an accident”.
After Joe and his friends have made it back to town, Martin is injured by the firing and Charles stays with Martin to take care of him. Otherwise, Joe and Cary rush off to the cemetery. Joe tells Cary about the strange things he saw from the garage. They are breaking down the door and rescue Alice with some trick but unfortunately three of them run and soon at a dead end. Joe face with Alien and be good with Alien. Suddenly, a sound is heard deep in the cave, it puts Joe down and return.

They return to the surface, all the iron material and all soft of mechanical’s object in the area become magnetized to the water tower’s top area and form it to a model. Jackson and Louis come across their children. The locket in Joe’s pocket attempts to fly away, Joe catches it and finally his let it go of his mother’s locket. The locket flies up to the magnetized water tower. The Alien climbs aboard, as the top of the water tower disappear, raining down its watery content on the people below.

Though the whole movie, I most unforgettable scene is the ending part. When the locket in Joe’s pocket attempts to fly away, Joe catches it and finally his let it go of his mother’s locket. The locket flies up to the magnetized water tower. The Alien climbs aboard, as the top of the water tower disappear, raining down its watery content on the people below. 

This is unexpected scene and creative scene ever, after the rocket of the Alien aboard the all iron and mechanical’s object explosion and disappear and raining down the watery content to the town. This is something like  “after a storm comes a calm” and meaningful scene. Otherwise, In addition to family, friendship, The film bring up the nervous and scare scene when the alien attack the bus and the most astonish part is the explosion effect and graphic effect and camera angle all done well in the scene after track and train crash together.

The storyline is good overall, it compounds of two story that corelate to one another, this movie presents the ambition and dreams of young boys in producing thier own film 'the case' by using the destruction scene that is caused by the alien in the movie, this super 8 movie has its ups and downs but overall its not boring but exciting instead. This movie is really worth the watch and should be watched .....i believe u will enjoy it.